Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thanks, my friend! October 25

Today's a very cool day for me.  I am the featured writer on a great site I've recently started frequenting called Studio 30 Plus that provides a meeting ground of sorts for writers and aspiring writers to commune online and give each other feedback.  There was a big lump in my throat when I clicked through to my post this morning.  It was easily swallowed with the help of some java, especially with one kind reply to it so far.  Shew ... so that's out there.
The post, along with three years of my tinnitus being silenced two hours a week, would never have been possible without my yoga instructor friend, Amanda.  When I first started taking her class at the Y, a photographer student of hers came in with the most gravity-defying picture of Amanda in a one-arm balance pose that took my breath away.  It's not actually her in these flying splits, but you have to click through to this image to get a grasp of what I mean (thanks, Jen @  Intimidation?  Nah.  Amanda is one of the most talented, down-to-earth, encouraging people I've met while living here.  
Kat Saks at
Her sweet demeanor helps her relate to people of all different walks of life, practice levels, and personalities.  She was previously an elementary teacher, so that experience probably serves her well.  Yoga students are always welcomed openly in her class, and Amanda never forgets the name of anyone who returns.  The geographic area where we live hosts a wide variety of residents and temporary residents of several local colleges, so this woman is more adaptable than your average yogi.  Amanda's sweet personality and sense of humor help her assimilate everyone into a safe place to practice yoga.  I love that she previously tried to "om" in her classes but soon discovered the "Ozark om" was more like "Ummm ... I'm not doin' that!"  As my mom would say, she's somethin' else!  
Amanda first insisted I try crow post (shown to left), or bakasana, and has helped me muster the courage to keep trying it until I can stay there longer than three seconds.  
She is a compassionate person, a good friend, and passionate about her own practice.  She inspired a character in one of my novellas, and I bet a bit more of her will be squeezed into future stories.  You bring much joy and peace into my life, Amanda.  For that I say, thanks my friend!

We all have inspiring people in our lives ... so tell them!  It's great to get a pat on the back from time to time.  

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