Wednesday, February 12, 2014

out to lunch

 the painful truth

No one has probably even noticed that I haven't posted here in months, as my following is small. I fully realize my relative web insignificance. It's humbling but true.
I do wish I was more diligent about my "Thanks, my friend" effort I had somewhat persistently pursued for about a year. So many amazing women deserve recognition, and I regret I haven't continued to give them kudos here. My life is rich with amazing women I have the privilege to know, and I hope to get back to blogging about them. 

In the meantime, I have been fervently pursuing fiction over at katy brandes writes. The main impetus is an online writing community called Studio 30 Plus, where weekly prompts give me the motivational push I need. 

I am trying to "find my voice." It was a great pleasure to have a line from one of my posts , "a semi-permanent state of self-medication," used as Studio30+'s prompt this week.
Many posts are out-takes from my '70s childhood with fictional spins on them. Sometimes I get a tad serious and sprinkle in some social commentary. Being from the Midwest, I can't help but also throw in what I hope is a little colloquial humor.

Any which way I spin it, I am having a ball trying to mix it up and improve my fictional skills (take that how you will). Meeting other bloggers, especially other avid readers and book reviewers, is one of my favorite things about shredding the blogsophere.  

So, until further notice, please find me over on that other platform. Thanks!

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